Friday 4 December 2015


night 1
That was not my impression of an angry pirate. It was me wondering WHY MY parents do not get me at all
I was not being rude or ungrateful when I made a simple suggestion at dinner. Mom was talking about everything she needs to buy for Thanksgiving and I made the very helpful suggestion that maybe Grandma Maxwell shouldn’t be in charge of bringing the pies this year.I mean come on Last year she didn’t have any cinnamon for her pumpkin pie so she used chili powder instead I am still traumatized

night 2
But then my mom snapped And WHO is supposed to make the pies  Nikki me I already have to make the turkey and stuffing and potatoes and green beans and...
look  I know my mom has a lot on her plate Thankfully I had another super helpful suggestion ready I’ve been seeing commercials for weeks that Pie’s the Limit is having a special of 3 take and bake pies for only $49.99 I even knew which three we should get
But that got my mom off on a rant about how money doesn’t grow on trees
and then Brianna started hollering about how cake is better than pie and finally my dad interrupted everyone to say he had a simple solution.

night 3
Let me just tell you right now that his solution was not as simple as mine
My dad said I should be in charge of making the pies That I am old enough to take some responsibility And I had to give him a list by the morning of whatever supplies I need
ugh So I went to research pie making options and got super overwhelmed and then Chloe called. She was so excited  when I told her my problems. Apparently her family’s Thanksgiving was suddenly cancelled because her Uncle Carlos has a mysterious illness and can only eat celery and chicken broth for the next week and no one wants to make him feel bad by devouring a big meal in front of him.

night 4
 I guess Chloe had big pie plans for her family so she’s heading over here today with all the supplies. Then tomorrow we're going to make the pies together I called Zoey to see if she could come too but she has a family thing.
With Chloe’s help this might actually be fun
Will you  be helping to cook a special dish for Thanksgiving or the upcoming holiday
What is your most  favorite Thanksgiving holiday food to eat

charters:chole Zoey Carlos dad Nikki mom
this book is about thanksgiving dinner

Monday 30 November 2015

sorbet Ice cream

                                                    sorbet Ice cream

Sorbet ice cream is frozen fruit.

Sorbet is a frozen fruit ice cream that is dairy free and 98% fat free.
It's healthier than normal ice cream that you buy from the supermarket. Sorbets don't have milk in then some sorbets have got juice in them. It's made out  of ice, cream, fruit and sugar.

sorbet ice cream is a yum cold desert that is a sweet treat  for kids and has not as much sugar as the normal ice cream.

sorbet ice cream was invented in 1920 after the normal ice cream.

2 pounds of fruit
a cup of sugar
ice cream machine

24 hours before making the sorbet place the ice cream base in the freezer to freeze
Wash and dry the fruit then cut away anything that you can't eat.
Cut the fruit into little pieces and you should have about 5 cups of chopped fruit.
Put the sugar and water into a saucepan and put it over medium heat then stir gently once or twice. Wait until the sugar is dissolved Remove from heat and wait for it to cool
put the fruit in the blender. Blend the fruit until it is runny and no more chunks of fruit in it Cover the sorbet base and refrigerate until cold. pour the base into the ice cream machine. Stir until the sorbet is thick.this takes about 10 to 15 mins in most machines.
Put the sorbet into a container or cup and freeze for 4 hours until the sorbet is hard.

Image result for sorbet icecreamImage result for sorbet icecream

Monday 23 November 2015

Mac and cheese

Mac and cheese
Mac and cheese is pasta covered in a cheese sauce.  

What you need
28 grams of Macaroni
2 cups of grated Cheese
3 cups of milk
¼ cup of Butter
¼ cup of flour
½ a teaspoon of salt
½ a teaspoon of pepper

making the mac and cheese
Cook macaroni in a pot then Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat stir in flour, salt, and pepper until smooth Slowly pour the milk keep stirring until mixture is smooth and bubbling
Add cheese  and stir until cheese is melted. pour the sauce into the macaroni and enjoy!!!!!

fact: this doesn't make much,it's easy to make,very yummy and
cheddar cheese is the best cheese to use.
 It is a delicious meal that I  love to eat.
Image result for how to make mac and cheese easy

Tuesday 3 November 2015


I play netball at Campbell Park every Saturday morning. When I went there it was freezing cold and fog came out of my mouth, So we ran around the courts to get warmed up. BEEP!! the bell rings it's time to go on. I pass, catch, run and shoot and I do everything I can to be a good netball player.

I passed the ball to Jemma and Jemma passed it to Ella who shoots from far back.

The bell rings again for half time we go and have a quick drink and swap positions.
When the game was finished the coach announces the player of the day. I was so sweating  that I tipped my drink bottle over my head!

“That netball game was amazing” I said to my dad. I couldn't wait until next weekend.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Ella's birthday!!

Ella's birthday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLA!!!!! I yelled as I hopped out of  the car,The first thing we did was open presents. She was  screaming with joy as she opened them!
The music was cranking loud and we all started dancing like CRAZY!!!! Ella prepared the cool party food such as: marshmallows,pineapple chips and more. We made a play together and Jemma was the judge. Then we had cake and I face planted in it (on purpose!) it was time to go to bed at 11:00.  We swapped beds heaps of times. In the end I slept with Emma  and on the half flat airbed. When we woke up we had breakfast ella and I did a funny dance and showed the other girls.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Newsletter article

Newsletter article
Did you know that hub 2 moved into the hall? I’m sure you do. There are 75 kids in the hall so some days we work well, and some days we don’t because we are still getting used to it. So I am going to tell you what I like and don’t like.

Sometimes in the hall it's a bit of a challenge for me because with 75 kids it can be loud and I can get distracted with all my friends talking to me. Also I am just learning how to be a self aware learner, so I can get a bit distracted sometimes.

But mostly it's pretty good in the hall.  I really like how we can work with a buddy or by ourselves or even in a group if we want to.  We also get to choose where we want to work and we also get to choose what furniture we sit on.  I like to learn by sitting on the stools and the tables and I get to do this in the hall which is cool.  

You might think we would be distracted by the digger ripping down the class room but once you shut the door it's quiet. You can't hear a thing.

So overall I am really enjoying being in the hall and I am sad that I won’t get to be in the new classrooms.

By Keelyn Flashman.

Thursday 17 September 2015

My toe!!

One day I lost my pair of sunglasses and then someone called  over the loud speaker said if you have have lost a pair of sunglasses come to the office now. So i went to the office and while I was walking I stubbed my toe and the top of my toe came off so I went to the sick bay and they put a plaster on it then I went to the bus shelter and there was still blood dripping out so I went back to the sick bay and they put another plaster on my toe. Then my mum came to pick me up and she said you need to go to the doctors and I had to get butterfly stichers.   

Monday 7 September 2015

What does a thermometer do???

For maths we have been learning about thermometers and down below is some examples  of  what it does

Thursday 27 August 2015

Sweaty the shoe!!!

Good morning I'm sweaty the shoe, and I am helping other kids with their running. I stop their feet from hurting because if the kids had bare feet they would stand on bommy knockers and they hurt alot.

I have been through alot of rough times. I have stood in dog poo and mud and cat spew and  when I was getting old I got chucked in the bin. That was not nice.

When I run my face gets squashed. That's why the bottom of me is  flat because it gets squashed and that's my life. So do you feel sorry for me? Do you  want to run with me you look like you need to have some fresh air?

Monday 17 August 2015

Why I need a kitten!!!!

why I need a kitten!!!!    

Don't you just love having pets cuddle up to you or run around the house having fun.
that's why I think I should have a kitten. and it will keep me occupied when i'm bored.

Tarryn and Caleb have one and it's not fair. Kitty and Pepper are too old and fat we need a new kitten that is fun and we can run around with and have lots of fun.I would really love you to pieces you will be the world's best dad.

I won't annoy you I will just be playing with it. I want a tabby kitten because they are fun,warm,fluffy and so cute all my friends have a kitten but me its just not fair.why can't I have a kitten too. I would even pay for it myself and pick up its poop.

so please I want a kitten that I can play with and snuggle up with and it would not make me bored.  please please please!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Cross Country

My goal for  cross country was to keep going and dont give up.

I am proud of myself because I did that I didn't get a place but I do not care because I made it all the way

Monday 3 August 2015

my goal for my next persuasive writing is...

to use persuasive language and to use facts exaggerating and questions

Thursday 30 July 2015

holidays are too short

                                        Holidays are too short
Don't you just love being able to wake up whenever you like and relax and take
your time and not worry about anything. That's why I deeply  think that we need to  add one extra week added  to our current holiday.
The most important reason why I think holidays should be 3 weeks is that we can
visit our friends and family in other places and I love going to see family and friends.

We need to have time to go somewhere in the holidays but we don't have enough time to if we did we could only stay for 3 nights and that's not a holiday to me.

If you break a bone you would want to recover and rest in your bed but you would not have enough time. And you need a good sleep before school.

That's why I think that we need one extra week of our holidays,as i've stated my reasons above hopefully you can think about it.

Friday 24 July 2015

welllington cable car

In the holidays I went to wellington and went for a ride in the cable car. The cable car is a good time for you to relax and there is a amazing view of wellington. You go under a tunnel with colorful lights that flash one bye one its awesome. :)

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Student led conference

100 years of war

What is J-rock

J-rock is a time to have fun and be creative. We picked 100 years of war as our theme because we all need to remember those who died in war. J-rock was at Claudelands arena .

At the start we got to do 3 practices and the other schools got to watch us. There were about 12 schools at Claudelands.Then its lunch and we have a  bite to eat and we go outside to play. We learnt a game called jiggalow. Then we got to go to have some fun by the stage and dance to let it go.
Yay dinner time for dinner we had fish and chips.
Now lets go to the changing rooms and get changed into our costume. I quickly get dressed. The teacher said we are going on in 2 mins. 2 mins was up and  it was time to go on stage. Now I was so frightened.     

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Rugby netball funday

  Rugby netball funday

Its 6:30 and its a sunny day the birds are singing and the Cat is lying on the end of my bed. I look around my room I See my netball uniform. then I remembered that I have Rugby netball funday I have got to get up!! I get up and out of my bed my legs are shaking it's freezing. I go into The Lounge dad is lighting the fire I sit next to the fire and Watch the wood slowly melt away. ok time to go school. Dad drives me to school dad drops me off at the Roundabout and gives me a kiss good bye. I wait until the Bell rings. 1 2 3 ring ring ring I shoot off  to the hall as fast As I could I cant wait to go. we get in to our team lines And Then we walk off to campbell park. omg it taking Forever My legs are so sore. we finally get there in the End. it's Our turn to play on the court now so I rush to the Center.
The whistle blows I defend my partner I jumped so high That I catched the ball. I pass the ball to ella and she got A goal.         

Tuesday 12 May 2015

My kayaking trip


As I strolled over to where we were kayaking I saw a hill towering above me. Is that Bald Spur I said to myself? If it is I'm not going up there. It's humongous. Ok time to go kayaking hopefully that will take it off my mind so Babs and I got pushed into the calm sea. We drifted away nice and slow. We tipped Luke off his kayak a few times and then he tried to tip us off. It didn't work. Then we all gathered up in a circle. We swapped kayaks with each other. That was hard. Then we had to go back up to the carpark. So Babs and I slowly paddled away to the carpark to have something to eat. I was starving so we had a juice box, a piece of fruit, and some baking. Oh no I said to myself I don't want to walk up Bald Spur. Ah but the teacher said to us that we don't have to.
Up next is fishing yay!!.  


Thursday 30 April 2015

The anzac button

The Anzac button
1.The soldiers life
Was saved by the Button. the button
Was on his jacket.
a piece of shell hit his button and flew off instead of hitting The solder  

2.The solder polished His  button and  took it To Every parade and Then put it back in the Cupboard for next Year.
3.Years later the Jacket was still in The cupboard ella
Found the jacket And showed her Mum. ella cut off The buttons and Polished them.
Then she sewed Them on to a red Piece of ribbon.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Swimming sports

swimming sports
Last thursday we walked down to the Morrisville college.I put on my togs I was so nervous my heart  was beating so fast.Omg its my turn to do the freestyle. Mr gunn  pressed the buzzer I dived into the freezing water I swam and swam until I got to the end. I think I came 4th out of 6 people I was proud of myself so I went up on the seats and I got my towel out of  my bag and wrapped it round me. Later it was time to go it was a amazing day.


Wednesday 25 February 2015

Rippa rugby!!!!!

Yesterday at 10.00 in the morning i was soo excited i went to go and and get the milk then i came back into class and everyone was gone i know they went to rippa  yay rippa rugby here i come. I scored a try yay. most of the girls in the blue group scored they were all good at it. the guy that taught us rippa rugby his name was michael.
who ever had the ball the person on the other team had to rip the tag off them i was a really fun game at the end the blue team won!!!  

Tuesday 17 February 2015

keelyns chart

I Notice that is the art is the most common thing to do at school.

I wonder why maths maths is the most uncommon thing to do at school.

I think that writing and art are the best things to do at school.

Thursday 12 February 2015

my summer

                                       My Summer

Remember that time when my beach towel was getting crusty and full of sand and your clothes were getting wet from all the kids in the water.                                      that was summer.

Remember when I was licking my ice cream as it dripped down my chin
                               and it was giving me a brain freeze
                                                 that was summer                                                                     
I remember that time  when  I was swimming. I could see fishes and crabs
                            and when I went near them they swim away
                                                  that was summer

I remember when the days were going by and the tide was coming in and we were eating fish and chips on the beach
that was summer

Remember that time  when we could hear the waves crashing against the  
                                 rocks and all the kids splashing in the water
                                                         that was summer  


Monday 2 February 2015

my name is keelyn flashman i have a best friend called emma i am 10 years old my birthday is the 24 of november i was born in 2004 i have one sister and one brother i love ice cream and shshi i hate dresses my favritote couler is purple i play netball. Emma is so amazing  she is my bffl.