Monday 30 November 2015

sorbet Ice cream

                                                    sorbet Ice cream

Sorbet ice cream is frozen fruit.

Sorbet is a frozen fruit ice cream that is dairy free and 98% fat free.
It's healthier than normal ice cream that you buy from the supermarket. Sorbets don't have milk in then some sorbets have got juice in them. It's made out  of ice, cream, fruit and sugar.

sorbet ice cream is a yum cold desert that is a sweet treat  for kids and has not as much sugar as the normal ice cream.

sorbet ice cream was invented in 1920 after the normal ice cream.

2 pounds of fruit
a cup of sugar
ice cream machine

24 hours before making the sorbet place the ice cream base in the freezer to freeze
Wash and dry the fruit then cut away anything that you can't eat.
Cut the fruit into little pieces and you should have about 5 cups of chopped fruit.
Put the sugar and water into a saucepan and put it over medium heat then stir gently once or twice. Wait until the sugar is dissolved Remove from heat and wait for it to cool
put the fruit in the blender. Blend the fruit until it is runny and no more chunks of fruit in it Cover the sorbet base and refrigerate until cold. pour the base into the ice cream machine. Stir until the sorbet is thick.this takes about 10 to 15 mins in most machines.
Put the sorbet into a container or cup and freeze for 4 hours until the sorbet is hard.

Image result for sorbet icecreamImage result for sorbet icecream

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