Friday 4 December 2015


night 1
That was not my impression of an angry pirate. It was me wondering WHY MY parents do not get me at all
I was not being rude or ungrateful when I made a simple suggestion at dinner. Mom was talking about everything she needs to buy for Thanksgiving and I made the very helpful suggestion that maybe Grandma Maxwell shouldn’t be in charge of bringing the pies this year.I mean come on Last year she didn’t have any cinnamon for her pumpkin pie so she used chili powder instead I am still traumatized

night 2
But then my mom snapped And WHO is supposed to make the pies  Nikki me I already have to make the turkey and stuffing and potatoes and green beans and...
look  I know my mom has a lot on her plate Thankfully I had another super helpful suggestion ready I’ve been seeing commercials for weeks that Pie’s the Limit is having a special of 3 take and bake pies for only $49.99 I even knew which three we should get
But that got my mom off on a rant about how money doesn’t grow on trees
and then Brianna started hollering about how cake is better than pie and finally my dad interrupted everyone to say he had a simple solution.

night 3
Let me just tell you right now that his solution was not as simple as mine
My dad said I should be in charge of making the pies That I am old enough to take some responsibility And I had to give him a list by the morning of whatever supplies I need
ugh So I went to research pie making options and got super overwhelmed and then Chloe called. She was so excited  when I told her my problems. Apparently her family’s Thanksgiving was suddenly cancelled because her Uncle Carlos has a mysterious illness and can only eat celery and chicken broth for the next week and no one wants to make him feel bad by devouring a big meal in front of him.

night 4
 I guess Chloe had big pie plans for her family so she’s heading over here today with all the supplies. Then tomorrow we're going to make the pies together I called Zoey to see if she could come too but she has a family thing.
With Chloe’s help this might actually be fun
Will you  be helping to cook a special dish for Thanksgiving or the upcoming holiday
What is your most  favorite Thanksgiving holiday food to eat

charters:chole Zoey Carlos dad Nikki mom
this book is about thanksgiving dinner

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