Thursday 24 September 2015

Newsletter article

Newsletter article
Did you know that hub 2 moved into the hall? I’m sure you do. There are 75 kids in the hall so some days we work well, and some days we don’t because we are still getting used to it. So I am going to tell you what I like and don’t like.

Sometimes in the hall it's a bit of a challenge for me because with 75 kids it can be loud and I can get distracted with all my friends talking to me. Also I am just learning how to be a self aware learner, so I can get a bit distracted sometimes.

But mostly it's pretty good in the hall.  I really like how we can work with a buddy or by ourselves or even in a group if we want to.  We also get to choose where we want to work and we also get to choose what furniture we sit on.  I like to learn by sitting on the stools and the tables and I get to do this in the hall which is cool.  

You might think we would be distracted by the digger ripping down the class room but once you shut the door it's quiet. You can't hear a thing.

So overall I am really enjoying being in the hall and I am sad that I won’t get to be in the new classrooms.

By Keelyn Flashman.

Thursday 17 September 2015

My toe!!

One day I lost my pair of sunglasses and then someone called  over the loud speaker said if you have have lost a pair of sunglasses come to the office now. So i went to the office and while I was walking I stubbed my toe and the top of my toe came off so I went to the sick bay and they put a plaster on it then I went to the bus shelter and there was still blood dripping out so I went back to the sick bay and they put another plaster on my toe. Then my mum came to pick me up and she said you need to go to the doctors and I had to get butterfly stichers.   

Monday 7 September 2015

What does a thermometer do???

For maths we have been learning about thermometers and down below is some examples  of  what it does